Last year a bunch of people asked us if we sold dish brushes to go with our kitchen soap. We went on a hunt for a quality plastic free dish brush and found a great match for our kitchen soap ramekins.
At our markets in the fall, we had a demo plastic dish brush on our display with our kitchen soap ramekins. It looked like this.
By the way, isn't that ramekin gorgeous?
Did you know that it was made and glazed here in New West by the talented artists at the PotteryWorks studio?
We brought this dish brush to our markets as a way for Simon to demonstrate how to use the kitchen soap. Our customers kept asking if they could buy the dish brush. Since we only had the one and it played an important role in supporting Simon to explain our product we said no, but assured people they weren’t that difficult to find.
This past January we went hunting to see what was available on the market. We learned that nearly all dish brushes are plastic. Given the negative and long-lasting impact of plastic on the environment we wanted to find a wood option but needed to learn more.
I reached out to Jessica, owner of the Refill Stop, a zero-waste refill store steps from the New Westminster sky train station. She invited Simon and I down to the store for a chat. Thanks to Jessica, we learned about different the styles of dish brushes, how to care for them, and where they are manufactured. We enjoyed connecting with this great local business.
Our quest complete, we knew what type of of dish brush we wanted to offer our customers. Now you can purchase long handled wood dish brushes, a functional and plastic-free tool from us. The brush head is a good fit for the kitchen soap ramekins. Purchased together, they make a great housewarming gift.
Click here to see our Kitchen Soap and Dish Brushes